Assistant Professor
woody/dot/wu/at/ruc/dot/edu/dot/cnWoody Di WU DPhil (Oxon), MSc(London), BA(Renmin)
10/2017-04/2021 DPhil in History, History Faculty & St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford
09/2016-09/2017 MSc in the History of International Relations, Department of International History, London School of Economics and Political Science
09/2012-07/2016 BA in International Politics, School of International Studies, Renmin University of China
Work Experience
08/2021- Assistant Professor, School of International Studies, Renmin University of China
Research Interests
War and the History of World Politics, Military Diplomacy, Transatlantic Security Relations, National Security Assessments
Major Publications:
Journal articles:
1.“马岛战争期间英国交战规则的演变”[the British Rules of Engagement during the Falklands (Malvinas) War],《国际政治研究》[Journal of International Studies],2016,Vol. 157, No.5, pp.129-147
2.‘The Cult of Geography: Chinese Riverine Defence during the Battle of Wuhan, 1937- 1938’, War in History , 2022, 29(01), pp.185-204.
3.“保守党领导人选举与英国的前途”[The Conservative Party Election and the Future of the UK],《中国战略观察》[China Strategic Review], August 2022, pp.90-97.
4. ‘The Yangtze and the Sino-US Cooperation in WWII, 1940-1945’, Journal o f Strategic Studies , 2023, 46(05), pp949-976.
Conference presentations:
1. Economic Aspects of the War on the Yangtze, 1928-1945, Asian Economic History Seminar, LSE, 12/2020
2. ‘Hai Quan: China and Seapower, 1945-1954’, UK-China Humanities Alliance Conference, Coventry and Oxford. 09/2019
3. ‘China Goes Global and its Impacts on Local Governance: African Enclaves in Guangdong and the Sino-African Relations’, presented at International Studies Association, Asia-Pacific Conference 2016, Hong Kong.06/2016
Teaching Experience
Courses: Introduction to National Security, Contemporary International Relations, Strategic Simulations and Wargames
Undergraduate: National Security Assessment and Warning
Graduate: Historical Research Method
Teaching Programmes: The History and Politics Porgramme, Wargame Programme
Other Teaching Experience:
01/2020-12/2020 College Tutor, St Anne’s College, Regent’s Park College University of Oxford), conducted tutorials on International Relations in an Era of Two World Wars, and World and European History: The Global 20th Century, 1930-2003 for students from the Honor School of History and Politics.
10/2019-04/2021 Course tutor at the Overseas Studies Program, Stanford University, conducted tutorials on China and the World since 1900).