Professor, School of International Studies, Renmin University of China
Director, Center for Historical Political Science, Renmin University of China
2017-2019, Professor, Advanced Institute of Confucian Studies, Shandong University
2012-2017, Professor, Institute for Advanced Studies of Humanities and Social Sciences, Beihang University
1991-2017, Media editor and commentator; translator of English works on Economics, Law and Politics
1991, Master of History, Renmin University of China
Historical Political Science
Political Theory
Study of Confucian Classics and Confucianism
History of Chinese Political Institution and Political Thought
The Chinese Moment in World History, Hainan Press 2019(《世界历史的中国时刻》)
On the Origins of Tao of Governance in China, Commercial Press 2018(《原治道》)
On Confucian Constitutionalism, City University of Hongkong Pres 2016(《儒家宪政论》)
The Formation of Chinese civilization: Based on the Book of Documents, CFLAC Press 2016(《尧舜之道:中国文明的诞生》)
A Concise History of Chinese Thought and Institution, Hainan Press 2013(《国史纲目》)
Party Politics
History of Chinese Political Thought
A Comparative Study of Global Civilizations and Politics
An Introduction to Modern World Politics
Monographic Study on Party Politics
Introduction to Historical Political Science
Historical Political Science
History of Chinese Political Institution and Political Thought