2022“China Studies Program” Aspiring Doctoral Students Summer Camp
Contemporary China Studies in Comparative and International Perspectives
项目概述Project Overview:
The "China Studies Program " (CSP) consists of a series of projects strongly supported by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation, including the “PhD in China Fellowship” and the “Joint Research PhD Fellowship”. Since 2013, it has supported more than 700 outstanding young sinologists to pursue a doctoral degree or conduct academic research during their doctoral studies in China. The Aspiring Doctoral Students Summer Camp is a short-term training program based on the experience of the aforementioned programs. It is designed for young foreign scholars who have strong academic potential and are interested in sinology and China studies. It will help them make full preparation in the fields of language, culture and academic research, familiarize themselves with the research field, plan their academic development path, and meet like-minded peers.
The School of International Studies (SIS) at the Renmin University of China is one of the first institutions of higher education in China which initiated the teaching and studying of international affairs and political science after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Through continuous efforts and innovation, the SIS has grown into a key academic institution with increasing international influence and gained a leading role in both talent cultivation and research on political science and international affairs in China.
Taking “Contemporary China Studies in Comparative and International Perspectives” as the theme, the summer camp will lead students to learn about contemporary China through expert lectures, discussions, and academic guidance. It aims to provide overseas youths with a comprehensive understanding of contemporary Chinese politics, economy, culture and society, and foster cultural exchanges among young people from all over the world.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the summer program will be conducted online and last a week from August 15th to August 21st, 2022.
一、 项目主题Project Theme
“China Studies Program”Aspiring Doctoral Students Summer Camp: Contemporary China Studies in Comparative and International Perspectives
二、 项目形式 Project Content
1.学术讲座Lectures:专家讲座、互动提问 Expert lectures followed by Q&A.
2.圆桌研讨Roundtable Discussions:学生根据研究意向选择学业导师,学业导师通过设置不同主题研讨会,启发学员思考、指导学员研究、观察学员讨论,记录学员表现Students choose an academic advisor according to their research interest. Academic tutors set up seminars on different topics to promote students’ reflection, guide research, observe students’ discussions, and record their performance.
3.学术指导Academic Counseling:教授学员如何制定研究计划、如何撰写博士论文、如何收集学术资源Students are trained to develop a research plan, write a doctoral dissertation, and collect academic resources.
4.成果展示Presentations:分组进行学术成果展示 Group presentation of the academic achievements.
5.结业报告Program Reports: 课程结束后2周内提交3000字结业报告 Students are required to submit a 3,000-word final report within 2 weeks after the course ends.
三、 招收对象Application Requirements
1.非中国公民 Non-Chinese Citizens
2.在读硕士及以上学历Master degree or above
四、 报名方式 Registration Instructions
Registration on the website: http://www.chinese.cn/page/#/pcpage/new_service
五、 结业标准 Criteria for Completion
1.出勤率达到90% Attendance rate above 90%
2.项目结束后两周内提交3000字结业报告A Submission of a 3,000-word program report before September 4th
3.根据学习态度、成果分享、结业报告质量评选优秀学员The program will select excellent students according to their learning attitude, presentations, and final reports.
4.达到结业标准的学生可以获得结业证书;优秀学员还将获得“新汉学计划”博士生项目专家推荐信Students who meet the completion standards can get a certificate of completion; outstanding students will also receive a letter of recommendation.
六、联系我们 Contact Us
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